Posting a Message

Gateway offers a JSON formatted RESTful API for the POSTing data into the platform. Each request and response follow a pre-set structure. The request is broken into; a header which provides a unique batch identifier and some additional control attributes; a payload which contain the main body of data being communicated. The payload element can receive multiple individual messages in a single POSTing.

The response is broken into three elements:

  • the data which provides a Gateway unique reference for the POST, as well as echoing back the third party’s batch reference and a time of receipt;

  • an errors element which provides information of issues encountered during the receipting process; and finally,

  • a success element which is a true or false value indicated if the call was POSTed successfully.



A request is the submission of one of more messages to the Gateway platform. Each request is made up of the request header and payload sections. The request payload can contain one or more messages for processing. The attributes contained in a payload are determined by the message type and are validated against the schema(structure) of that type of message. The header contains the following attributes:

  • batchReference - Mandatory. This is the clients’ reference number. This allows clients to map requested messages back to their reference number.

  • errorPolicy - This indicates how the processing of the remaining batch items will be conducted in the event of an item failing.

    • haltOnError (default): marks the failed item as ‘failed’ and terminates processing, leaving any unprocessed items in a state of ‘cancelled’.

    • proceedOnError: marks the failed item as ‘failed’ and continues to process any remaining items in the batch.

  • duplicatePolicy - This indicates how the processing of the requests and messages are conducted in the event of duplicate. Gateway uses the external reference in a message to identify is a similar entity record has previously been received.  

    • skipDuplicates (default): will not attempt to process any message that has an external reference that has previously been processed. The message will be skipped  and set to a ‘cancelled’ state.

    • processDuplicates: will attempt to re-process messages with the same external reference and will attempt to update the previously received message (depending on its current state)

  • signature: Optional attribute reserved for future use. It is intended to be a digital signature of the entire payload field, to help ensure data integrity.

Message Updating

Some messages have a hierarchy provide sub-lists or collections of other items that are not classified as a message type in their own right (phone numbers for example). When the duplicatePolicy is set to processDuplicates, all such sub-lists (during the update process) will be deleted, and the new list supplied will replace them.

Once a request has been received, authenticated, authorised and validated for basic format syntax. It is accepted and placed in a queue for processing. When the request is selecting for processing into the gateway platform the individual message are unpacked are further validate, where routing, transformation and other pre-processing activities take place. The message(s) are then sent to the destination service for processing. Once successfully, receipted  the request and its individual message payloads will be update providing a status and details of an issues during the injection process. A detailed description of the injection process is a follows:

  • New request POST’ed

  • HTTP request is authenticated

    If Authentication fails, the request is rejected with HTTP Return Code = 401 - Unauthorized

  • Authority to use the requested API endpoint

    If the client is not Authorized to this message type, the request is rejected with HTTP Return Code = 403 – Forbidden

  • Request is validated

    The fields in the root of the request are validated

    Individual message types contained within the payload are not validated at this time

    If validation fails, the request is rejected with HTTP Return Code = 400 – Bad Request.

  • Request is Accepted

    Request is queued for processing

    The requestStatus = Queued

    The request can now be tracked through the Tracking API endpoint

    HTTP Return Code = 200 – Ok

  • Each accepted request is processed as a batch.

    Individual messages contained within the request are split out for processing

    The requestStatus = Processing

    Each individual messageStatus will show as messageStatus = Queued

  • The message payload is validated against the individual message type schema

    Validation typically includes:

    • Mandatory fields

    • Field type checking

    • Enumeration checking

  • If Validation passes:

    Message sent for processing

    Message status is set to messageStatus = Processing

    Duplicate checks are performed to determine if the message should be processed

    • If the externalReference has not been previously sent in a message, the message is processed as an INSERT operation

    • If the externalReference has been previously sent and duplicatePolicy = processDuplicates, the message is processed as an UPDATE operation

    If the message was processed successfull:, messageStatus = Complete

    If the message was not processed: messageStatus = Cancelled

    If there was an error while processing: messageStatus = Failed

  • Remaining messages in the Request are processed in the same way, until all are processed, and the Request status is set to: requestStatus = Complete (if success for all messages), requestStatus = Failedd (if one or more messages are not success)

  • If validation or processing of a message fails:

    The message is updated with an error code and description, as well as the message status being set to messageStatus = Failed (if a processing issue) or messageStatus =  Invalid (if validation issue)

    If there is a single message in the Request, processing is complete, and the Request status is set to requestStatus = Failed

    If other messages are contained in the Request and the errorPolicy = proceedOnError, the next message will be processed.

    If other messages are contained in the Request and the errorPolicy = haltOnError, all unprocessed messages in the Request are set to messageStatus = Cancelled and processing ends immediately by setting the Request status to requestStatus = Partial

  • At the end of Request processing, if any messages have failed and the errorPolicy = proceedOnError, then the Request status is set to requestStatus = Partial, and processing ends.


Request Response

Gateway APIs  provides a POST response to every Request made to the platfrom.  This response will include a stand HTTP status code as well as a data payload which provides addtional information about the status  or error details. The attribute of a Gateway response message are as follows:

  • Data - Data object containing response details

    • Id - A unique ID (GUID) allocated to a Request by the Gateway platfrom. This ID can be used to query the status of a Request after it has been receipted, using the Tracking API. 

    • requestDate - The date and time the Request was received by the Gateway API service.

    • requestStatus -  The processing status of a Request.  This status is Queued  when the Request is first received. Other possible states  are:

      • Processing – Gateway is in the process of storing the payload messages

      • Partial – One or more of the payload messages have not been stored successfully

      • Complete – All payload messages have been stored successfully

      • Failed – The Request and payload messages have not been stored

    • batchReference -  An echo back of the caller’s unique identifier passed in the header of the Request

  •  errors -  An array of errors, descriptions and codes, that may have occurred during processing.

  •  success - A boolean true or false value indicating if the Request was received correctly.


Late binding

Gateway supports the late-binding of entities (messages). This prevents the need for sequencing or dependencies on the order in which messages are received and processed. This design promotes the use of smaller (fine grain) messages over large monolithic hierarchal message structures and fits nicely into a micro service architecture.

For example, if a message references several different entities (other parties, vehicles, ...), and if this referencing message is processed before the other vehicle or party messages, it will not fail. When the party and vehicle messages are processed, the referencing entity will automatically be updated to show the data held in these newly created entities.

The late-binding process is managed through the externalReference attribute (which every message contains). For late binding to work each message must include an externalReference value and it must be a globally unique identifier for that data entity.

In the event of a message referencing an entity (externalReference) that has not yet been created in the platform, a placeholder will be created for the unknown entity.

Late binding

Standard data format conventions

Dates and time

Date and times (where appropriate) will be represented in ISO 8601 format, as follows:







 Decimals will be represented as follows:


With a numeric scale of up to 4 decimal places, unless otherwise stated.


 Booleans should be in the form of either true or false.


                "isVATRegistered": true           Correct

                "isVATRegistered": false          Correct

                "isVATRegistered": "false"       Incorrect

                "isVATRegistered": "No"          Incorrect

                "isVATRegistered": "0"            Incorrect



Enumerations are listed in the API definition. The value will always be a number (except in case of country codes).


                "insuranceCoverType": "Comprehensive"   Incorrect

                 "insuranceCoverType": 0                  Correct